

 ERASMUS+ KA3  – Support for Policy Reform -

The Challenge

The project will address four specific needs and challenges:

1. VET education Curricula and Work Based Learning Schemes do not match modern industry needs.
VET Curricula have not kept up with the industry trends and tends still to train through programme-led courses which do not fully meet industry needs, and there is a shortage of practical work opportunities and entry-into-the-sector initiatives for young people. In most cases these new skills are completely missing from relevant curricula and WBL and Apprenticeships are not developed.

2. Digital shift and technological developments are changing the ways the Tourism Sector works.
The rapid technological and digital developments are radically changing the way that many touristic activities and products are created and delivered, with effect upon SMEs. This new multiplatform environment requires new skills to adapt and manage those new digital and technological tools.

3. Skills Diversification & learning needs in the Tourism Sector are not full addressed.
Catering and Tourism careers are not linear anymore and professionals have to diversify their skillset even more than before. This is particularly obvious in SMEs where we are witnessing a considerable degree of cross overs of professionals working interdisciplinary. It is therefore crucial to provide the tolls for continuing professional development and training, supporting access to WB learning opportunities.

4. Tourism Curricula in the VET Sector are not enough entrepreneurial.
The economic situation in Europe will continue to demand a more entrepreneurial approach to ensure the success of SMEs in the Tourism Sector. We cannot rely only on traditional markets anymore, and we are witnessing a shift in employment trends with an increasing number of people working in micro or nano-enterprises, using modern distribution platforms.

The Outputs

We are going to provide new, modern VET schemes with a specific WBL program to support the prosperous development of the sector, by adjusting skills and qualifications of sectoral workforce to the new trends. We are going to tackle identified skills gaps and shortages and respond to the demand for new skills within the Sector. This will be achieved through the design and piloting of two new innovative VET curricula in Hospitality, and Catering Sub-Sectors. We will work closely as a partnership at all stages of the project to develop new curricula which are demand led, responsive to labour market needs and transferable at European level.

WP: Two new innovative Curricula in Hotel and Catering Sector (digital / intercultural competence)
WP: Current needs analysis on SMEs involved in the Hotel and Catering Sector
Wp: A new up-to-date Tourism Skills – Chart
WP: Effective cooperation structures between VET teachers and in-company

Team International

Tel.: +49 (0) 335 5621-2100 // 2105

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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