

Levering potentials against shortage of skilled workforce for SMEs in Europe

The Erasmus+ project ELEVATE – Levering potentials against shortage of skilled workforce of SMEs in Europe pursues the development of innovative approaches and tools for SMEs to identify their individual potentials and to tackle the dramatic problem of shortage of skilled workforce.


The ELEVATE project addresses company owners and department heads of SMEs in Europe, managers of smaller organisations/NGOs, HR professionals, labour market experts, VET experts, business consultants, policy makers in VET and business, and social partner representatives 


About the project

During its implementation the project will develop an innovative online potential scanner for SMEs and small organisations to identify their individual potentials and gaps on the 4 distinct action levels which show companies their individual fields of action.

  • Part time working or unemployed women
  • Workers close to retirement age
  • Migration and diversity
  • Upskilling the un(low-)skilled

On this basis the project will be offering a comprehensive and tailored strategy building workshop for SMEs and small organisations which allows them.

With the outputs and materials offered by the project, companies will for the first time be able to strategically analyse their individual potential on the 4 dedicated acting levels and deduct individual strategies and actions to develop solutions and support for their own organisation instead of being forced to wait for slow political decisions and actions on regional, national and European level. to develop concrete action strategies on the basis of the potential scanner results.

Project Design

Investigative factor and potential researchInvestigative factor and potential research

  • Identifying relevant, reliable and valid criteria for the identification of improvement potentials in companies*on the 4 action levels
    (women, older workers, diversity and migration, upskilling the low and unskilled)
  • Weighting of single indicators and potential identifiers against each other’s' importance in business reality
  • Developing a community of practice of target group members for the project results (qualitative) guided expert interviews for indicator identification and a (quantitative) questionnaire SME study
  • Activating the target groups to raise interest in the project and its outputs (Dissemination level!)

Development and testing of an online potential scanner

  • Online potential scanner: the online potential scanner itself is one of the three core outputs of the ELEVATE project.
  • On the basis of a comprehensive online tool representatives of companies should be able to assess the situation of the own company in relation to the current and future shortage of skilled workforce and to define action levels and potentials where individual and company based  action is possible.
  • A set of credible benchmarks in the background of the potential scanner will allow the company to compare with average figures and define gaps as well as improvement potentials.
  • The online potential scanner will be available via the project website for regular PC use but also programmed in a way that allows the use with mobile devices.

Development and testing of strategy workshop concept

  • It is important to offer a concrete strategy development support for representatives of companies and organisations which builds on the results of the potential scanner and develops concrete strategies as well as clear steps to take for the planning and implementation (as well as monitoring) of the improvement activities.
  • Development of a concept of a comprehensive and at the same time practical and feasible strategy workshop for representatives of SMEs and small organisations.
  • In this workshop the results gained through the online potential scanner will be used to develop concrete strategic steps, actions and also methods for success monitoring will be introduced to participants.


How will you benefit from it?

The ELEVATE project has been developed to provide companies and organisations with an innovative tool to assess and identify their individual potentials, deduct innovative solutions for VET provision, work organisation, diversity and inclusion of crucial target groups  to develop their personal and company based solution / approach to tackle their shortage of skilled workforce, this also includes a special investigation and development focus on the potentials and solutions through information technology and digitalisation.

With this main focus and selection of priorities the ELEVATE project will allow companies and organisations to thoroughly analyse their individual situation and potentials concerning tackling the problem of shortage of skilled workforce and to develop their tailored solution for it instead of sit and wait for political decisions and measures which will probably come more later than sooner.

Levering potentials against shortage of skilled workforce for SMEs in Europe
12/2023 - 07/2026

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

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