VETBUS2B is an international cooperation project proposing capacity building among EU Member States (Italy and Germany) and one third country not associated to Erasmus+ (Argentina) to contribute to the Programme’s general objective of reinforcing the links between the VET system and the labour market of third countries.
Thus, VETBUS2B intends to work on the Cordoba regional context in Argentina by focusing on the very specific thematic area of the Work-Based Learning (WBL) playing a pivotal role when contributing to the competitiveness of enterprises and to the well-functioning of the labour market.
In doing so VETBUS2B wants:
To reach these objectives project partners will firstly build a peer-learning community mixing online training events on the hot topics of the EU VET agenda with a study visit tour across Europe to better explore the former Erasmus+ “VETBUS” project and other good practices from which to capitalise ant transfer tools.
Then, Argentinian partners will transfer the WBL pedagogical approach by mapping the emerging professional skills most required in their regional manufactural sector and by directly involving the local private actors in the very elaboration of a WBL curriculum for the “electronics technician” professional profile. The same curriculum will be finally piloted during the school’s year and validated into VET competences that students could further spend for any Erasmus+ experiences in Europe.
Capacity building in the field of Vocational Education and Training (VET)