
WINGS4SUCCESS - Work Based Intergenerational Learning in SME

Erasmus+ KA2 – Strategic partnerships (2014-1-DE202-001391)

The Challenge

“Managing multigenerational workforces is an art in itself. Young workers want to make a quick impact, the middle generation needs to believe in the mission, and older employees don’t like ambivalence.  Your move.” Harvard Business School “Working Knowledge” 

The rationale for our project is partly rooted in the need of the labour market to establish a new balance between the generations. Our project is bridging the gap between the young (<30) and the older generation (55+), as well as between the “sectors” of adult education, vocational education and training in SMEs. Our mission is to foster Intergenerational Learning (IGL). Giving companies suitable instruments at hand we actively promote the co-operation and knowledge transfer between different generations in SMEs. This way we provide measures to handle challenging demographic trends and unlock innovative potential and competitiveness of companies.

The Outputs

  • Benefit from our International survey results on the state of the art of IGL
  • Use our toolbox for Intergenerational Learning for free
  • Learn more about the competences and profile of an IGL facilitator
  • Take part in our qualifying workshop to learn more about how to organize the successful co -operation and the knowledge transfer between young and old


    The Consortium

    The project is lead by IHK-Projektgesellschaft mbH. Further strongly commited partners are BFI Tirol from Austria, Mentortec from Portugal, FORTH from Greece and the Chamber of Commerce Terrassa from Spain.


    The News

    Kick off Meeting
    Interviews in SMEs
    2 nd Meeting
    Presentation in Portugal
    17-02-2016 Multiplier Event Austria
    1st project newsletter

    Team International

    Tel.: +49 (0) 335 5621-2100 // 2105
    Fax: +49 (0) 335 5621 2001

    Internationale Projekte

    This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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